Homemade Fruit Leather from @TheFamilyFoodProject

We always try and get creative with the ways we incorporate our Biodynamic Apple Sauces into our recipes at home ... but a recent collaboration with Insta-blogger Kayla Mangione of @thefamilyfoodproject resulted in one of the most original recipes we've seen to-date: homemade fruit leather.

There are so many reasons we love this fruit leather recipe. For one, it's incredibly healthy. Kayla used our Apple & Pear sauce and vegetable purees to create fruit and veggie leathers. Plus, they're SO easy to make. The only piece of equipment you need is a dehydrator (or your oven, a baking sheet, and some parchment paper). And finally, kids LOVE them because they're delicious, different, and fun to eat. OK and one more: we also love how easily you can mix up the flavors and ingredients to create a different recipe every time.

Intrigued? Here's Kayla's recipe.

homemade fruit leather recipe

Homemade Fruit Leathers: Apple/Pear/Beet/Carrot/Kale

To make the fruit leather, spread an even layer of White Leaf Provisions Apple-Pear sauce onto lightly greased parchment paper (or flat insert for dehydrator).

If you’d like to add veggies, add about 1 tbsp. of steamed and pureed veggies to 1 container of the sauce. (Example: Peel, chop and steam a beet and blend it to make a beet purée. Add a spoonful of that to the sauce and mix well to combine. Do the same for carrots, kale, spinach, sweet potato, etc.)

Dehydrate at about 135 degrees for 5-8 hours, depending on how thick you make it. If using the oven, turn it to the lowest setting (150-200 degrees) and allow the fruit leather to dehydrate there for about 2 hours.

Check on it every 20 minutes after 1 hour and remove when it becomes sticky and easily lifts from the paper.

Cut into strips, roll and enjoy!

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