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At first glance, the principles of regenerative farming sound similar to organic. However, there are some critical differences between them.

What’s unique about Regenerative farming?

Biodynamic farming is regenerative and aspires to be transformative, seeking to maximize health and vitality of the soil, ecosystem and crops. Some practices include:

  • Replacing chemical herbicides with farm produced herbal sprays to enhance and enliven crops
  • Replacing chemical pesticides with farming practices that encourage healthy predator / prey balance through plantings
  • Replacing chemical fertilizers with natural farm produced compost to fertilize soil
  • Planting cover crops in the off season, which draws carbon back out of the atmosphere and improves soil vitality and nutrient content

Regular crop rotation builds soil vitality and helps with water retention. Unlike organic which is mainly crop focused, biodynamic certification certifies the entire farm and all aspects of the farm.

Regenerative agriculture sets the bar higher for food production than organic certification, as it demands that farm practices not only refrain from damaging the planet but also improve it in the process.

Experience the Biodynamic difference for yourself.

How does biodynamic
farming work?

Biodynamic farming is the gold standard of regenerative farming and goes beyond organic or sustainable farming to work to reverse damages already made to soil and the Earth. But how does it work? Well, Biodynamic farms do A LOT to get nature back to working it’s magical ways:

Eliminating chemicals

Industrialized farming relies heavily upon chemicals, which are killing important insects and polluting waterways. We replace toxic chemicals with natural alternatives so that no icky chemicals make their way into your family’s food!

Zero tolerance for GMOs

The farms that we work with have zero tolerance for any genetically manufactured seeds, plants, animal feeds.

Eliminating chemicals

Industrialized farming relies heavily upon chemicals, which are killing important insects and polluting waterways. We replace toxic chemicals with natural alternatives so that no icky chemicals make their way into your family’s food!

Introducing animals on the land

Letting cattle, goats, and other livestock graze appropriately can improve pastures by stimulating better plant growth and increasing forage biodiversity.

Increasing natural soil fertility

Artificial fertilizers make plants less resilient to natural threats, causing them to grow vulnerable. In contrast, cover crops, crop rotations, natural compost and animal manure can improve the functionality of the soil microbiome and help add vital nutrients and sequester the carbon into the soil.

Nutrients move from the soil into plants that we eat

Biodynamic farmers sow, cultivate and harvest their crops in rhythm with nature and the seasons to grow the healthiest, pure and delicious fruits and vegetables. When farmland becomes overworked, along with the application of chemicals, it loses its vital nutrients and microorganisms, which are vital components in growing healthy crops and maintaining healthy rich soil.

How Regenerative Farming Can
Reverse Climate Change

There is no other way to say this: Our current agricultural practices are fundamentally broken. Humans have been manipulating the way we grow and harvest food in an effort to mass produce at a cheaper price.

These farming practices have led to:

  • the development of GMO crops
  • destruction of healthy soil
  • mistreatment of animals
  • water pollution
  • overuse of toxic chemicals like Glyphosate, a cancer-causing chemical that EWG found in popular children’s foods such as cereal (scary!)

These destructive farming practices also play a big part in the loss of biodiversity, pollinators and play a big part in climate change.

Lucky for us (& our little ones) there is a better way to farm that could even potentially reverse global warming: Regenerative farming.

Regenerative farming looks to heal the Earth by working with nature to improve and repair the land and farm rather than harming it. Some scientists say this level of farming can even help combat climate change.

Recycle with Terracycle

Our entire line is recyclable. Our applesauce cups are 100% curbside recyclable. All packaging for our baby food line can be completely recycled and/or up-cycled through TerraCycle, a free mail in recycling program available to customers in all 50 states.

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